Monthly Archives: July 2019

Clark and Subway Sandwich – Fri. July 19, 2019

I was working in the kitchen around 4:30 pm when Clark popped his head in the door and said that he was starved and was going to go out and buy a Subway sandwich and pick up his mail at UPS. I thought for a minute and thought maybe he would like me to drive him. I went to the garage and his car was already pulling out of the driveway. He didn’t see me in the doorway and closed the garage door. I was a little worried about him, when 10 minutes later, he was already back home.

He demolished the first half of the sandwich in nothing flat.

Clark and his favorite sandwich. That is a different Giants’ shirt – without Clark 22 on the back.

He is feeling well enough that he accepted a call to play bridge tomorrow!


Dr. Kilday Just Called – Thurs. July 18, 2019

Clark just came stumbling out into the living room having been woken up from his nap by a phone call from Dr. Kilday, the urologist who performed the surgery on Tuesday.

Dr. Kilday said that the tumor was malignant, but the lowest grade, least aggressive kind. I just phoned Clark’s son Scott to tell him the news, and Scott was elated saying that was great news. Scott thought that in previous talks, the doctor had indicated that even for a higher level cancer, there would be no further treatment. They had put some kind of chemical agent in the bladder at the time of surgery.

Clark did not ask the doctor what the next step would be. Clark figures he will find out at his appointment with Dr. Kilday next Wed. Clark also did not tell the doctor of how much pain he was in. Clark said he wanted to be a “good sport”and not complain.

Clark has no appetite and today is not drinking the water he is supposed to drink.


Clark Before and After Surgery – Tues. July 16, 2019

Clark had surgery today to remover a tumor on his bladder and also to break up a large stone in the right ureter which was very close to the bladder. Clark’s son, Scott, drove up from Marin County and met us at 10 am at the Sutter Capitol Pavilion Surgery Center at 2725 Capitol Ave. Surgery was scheduled for 11:45 am, but was delayed an hour and a half because of complications in the surgery previous to Clark’s. Having Scott there made the time in the pre-op room pass quickly.

Before surgery Clark is headed to a pre-op room. Scott and I were close behind.

The week-end before last, the SF Giants were handing out Will Clark 22 or Jack Clark 22 tee shirts. Clark said he needed one of those to wear to his surgery. So, I ordered it and it got here a week ago. He was thrilled with it, and proudly wore it this morning. The nurses in pre-op all made a fuss over him.

The surgeon was Dr. Patrick Sean Gilday. He checked Clark a couple of times during the extra wait.

Dr. Gilday said that the tumor had not penetrated in to the wall of the bladder and was easily removed. Lasering the stone in the ureter took an extra 40 min. All in all Clark tolerated the surgery well. He does hurt and has no appetite. He is supposed to drink lots of water.

After surgery Clark is back at home after leaving the hospital at 6 pm. Note the hospital bracelet and socks.

It will probably be a week or so before Clark hears the result of the biopsy of the tumor.


Happy Birthday, Pat Canty!! – Monday, July 15, 2019

Today was my sister-in-law Pat Canty’s birthday. She is the widow of my brother Tim, the oldest of my 3 younger brothers. She lives in the house I grew up in on Park Blvd in Oakland which my parents purchased in 1946. Tim and Pat bought the house from my mother in about 1966, so it has been in the family for 73 years.

Pat celebrated her birthday dinner tonight with her daughter Kathy Brown and family. Kathy and husband Lloyd live off of Grand Ave, near Lake Merritt in Oakland. Their children Lloyd, Joshua, and Rebecca helped with the celebration. Here is Pat with Kathy’s family:

“Big Lloyd”, “Little Lloyd”, Rebecca, the birthday girl Pat, Kathy, Joshua.
Joshua’s girl friend, Laura, took this great family photo. Thanks, Laura.

Older Lloyd got off of work in SF early today and then drove to Half Moon Bay to buy the fresh salmon to barbecue. Kathy made potato salad last night. She says it is always better the 2nd day.
Here is Pat surveying the spread:

The birthday girl Pat is ready for the bbq’d salmon dinner.

Pat is about to blow out the candles on her “birthday cake”.

Since Pat is very fond of cookies, for dessert, Kathy made a platter of homemade brownies, chocolate chip cookies, and coconut short bread cookies. Now that is my kind of birthday cake!


Smoker Containg the Brisket – July 14, 2019

In the entry to the blog I just wrote, I somehow deleted the photo of Dave’s smoker at midnight Friday containing the brisket for Saturday night’s guests. Here it is:

The smoker at midnight.


Dave Smith Continues Celebration of 60th – Sun. July 14, 2019

Yesterday was another day of celebrating in Portland for my sister Joan’s oldest child, Dave Smith.
Friday at midnight this was his smoker housing an 11lb brisket:

And this was the brisket 8 hours later:

In addition, for the 25 having dinner, there was salmon on the grill in the evening.

During the day yesterday Dave and son Anthony took Dave’s nieces, Kayla and Alyssa, rafting. Kayla,14, and Alyssa,12, are Alan’s daughters from Orinda.

While they were rafting, Muffy was busy:

Key Lime Pie. Dave says, “Not Keto!” And…

Chocolate cake. Also, not keto. Dave eats paleo style.
Here is Muffy, the baker:

When you see comments with x’s and o’s, or from 8531, those are from Muffy.

Dave and the prize for having a 60th birthday!! Muffy outdid herself.

Some had dessert on the lawn in Dave’s beautiful backyard.

Dave is relaxing with a piece of that beautiful chocolate cake.

After 2 nights of feasting, tonight it was back to paleo for Muffy and Dave.

Thanks for all of the pics, Muffy and Dave!


Joan Home Looking Radiant – Sat. July 13, 2019

Joan’s daughter Janet and Janet’s husband, Steve Keeter, took Joan home from Manor Care yesterday evening.

My sister Joan is enjoying a grilled salmon dinner on her deck in Alamo. Grilled salmon on the deck seems popular with the Smiths. Joan looks very comfortable being served and having someone cook for her.

Steve grilled salmon and ahi tuna along with zucchini, and Janet made creamy garlic polenta with marinara sauce. It is a recipe from the Sur La Table Italian cooking class which Janet and her sister Ginny took Alan’s daughters Kayla and Alyssa to as a Christmas gift.

Welcome home, Joan!


Nephew Dave’s 60th Birthday Celebration – Fri. July 12, 2019

Dave Smith just sent me this photo taken by his super sweetheart, Muffy. They live in Portland, OR, and celebrated Dave’s 60th on their deck with a grilled salmon dinner. Attending were Dave’s son Anthony and Muffy’s daughters. Dave’s youngest brother Alan and family flew up from Orinda, CA, today for the occasion.

Dave is in the light green shirt at the rear table. His son Anthony, on the far right is waving at the camera. Brother Alan is in the dark polo shirt. Alan’s wife Lisa Fass is on the far left at the rear table. Alan and Lisa’s daughter Alyssa is between Lisa and Dave. And their daughter, Kayla is between her Dad Alan and cousin Anthony.

At the near table are Muffy’s daughters, Samantha on the left and Sophia. Simon, the young man at the near table is Sophia’s boyfriend.

Dave is going to send some more photos for tomorrow’s blog. Dave said there was a wonderful sunset tonight.


Happy 60th Birthday, Dave Smith!! – Friday, July 12, 2019

Today my sister Joan’s oldest child, Dave, who lives in Portland, OR, turns 60. My sibs and I had 20 children and Dave was the first born. I remember the excitement of that 1st grandchild. I just thought he was adorable and very funny. My French friend said, Q’est drôle!

Dave visited us here in Sacramento on May 11th and I wrote a blog entry about his visit that day:

Today Joan is due to be released from Manor Care. Happy return home, Joan!


Barbara Wheeler

Joan and Janet Medical Report – Wed. July 10, 2019

My sister Joan wrote today: “I saw the orthopedist yesterday (at Kaiser Walnut Creek) and had very good news. I no longer have the cast or brace. He said that the fracture in my elbow is healed enough that it’s more important to use my arm before I lose range of motion and the same thing holds for my right knee. My knee isn’t broken, just badly bruised.

‘I’ll be going home Friday and Janet will stay with me for a couple of days to be sure I can do everything by myself. Of course I’ll be back here at Manor Care every day to see Ralph.’’ Joan fell on Sat. June 30th, so it will be less than 2 weeks since the fall when she heads home Friday.

Joan’s daughter Janet saw an orthopedic surgeon in Roseville last Friday, July 5th. She is scheduled for surgery on her ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament), which is torn, on Friday, August 20th, at the Kaiser Folsom Surgery Center. Janet lives in Lodi, so she is getting to know the Northern California Kaisers. Her skiing accident injuring her right knee was Friday, June 7th. So, I wondered why it was going to be so long until surgery. Janet said that she also injured, but did not tear, the MCL (Medial Cruciate Ligament) and the LCL (Lateral Cruciate Ligament), and they want those to heal and regain flexiblity before the surgery.

Afte her orthopedic appointment, Janet and husband Steve headed to their cabin at Tahoe Donner. Here is a picture of Janet on the Tahoe Donner Golf Course:

Janet Keeter enjoying Tahoe Donner Golf Course – as an observer of golf.
